
Dr Neven Cvetićanin obtained degrees in philosophy, political science, sociology and history. He has published several books and dozens scientific articles on global analysis, politics of Balkans, the skills of statesmanship, strategic geopolitical developments in the 21st century, political ideology, political philosophy, political sociology, etc. He is employed at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade as Principal Research Fellow. Between 2012-2014 he served as member of Serbian parliament – National Assembly (MP) and was a member of the parliamentary Committee for Education, Science and Technological Development, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the Constitution and Legislation. Dr Neven Cvetićanin is a contributor with articles of various newspapers and weekly magazines and a frequent guest at various television and electronic media, where he comments on various political topics.

Dr Cvetićanin’s research areas of intrest are global analysis, international relations, geopolitics, politics of Balkans, politics of European Union, politics of Central and Eastern Europe, strategic geopolitical developments in the 21st century, political ideology, political philosophy and political sociology.

Dr Cvetićanin 1999. graduated Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy at University of Belgrade, with highest grades as the first in generation. He finished 2001. and 2002. specialized courses in “European Studies” and “Cultural and Gender Studies” at Alternative Academic Educational Network in Belgrade (AAOM). He received 2003. his MA at Department of Political Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy/University of Belgrade on the theme of contemporary German political philosophy titled “Practical philosophy of Carl Schmitt”, with summa cum laude. Dr Cvetićanin defended 2007. Ph.D. thesis  “Civil and anti-civil understanding of politics – the relationship between Right, Center and Left in political field of Europe” at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Department of Political Sociology. Post-doctoral studies in history and politics Dr Cvetićanin ended in the 2009/2010 season in the UK, in Scotland, at the University of Stirling, with a final thesis entitled “Dialectic of Political Mechanics”. In 2013 Dr Cvetićanin was at short study visit dedicated to “Utilization of Clean and Renewable Energy” in Changsha, China.

From 2002. to 2004. Dr Cvetićanin was fellowship holder of the prestigious European Foundation “Konrad Adenauer”. He has lectured at numerous international summer schools, conferences and round tables, organized by various distinguished academic and political institutions of Serbia and the European Union.

He is fluent in English and has a basic knowledge of German and Spanish language.


2004      The European Right between the law and the sword. This book has been published in Serbian language  as “Evropska desnica između mača i zakona” Belgrade: Filip Visnjic

2008      The Age after the Left and the Right. This book has been published in Serbian language as “Epoha s one strane levice i desnice”, Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences

2011      The Requiem for Revolution. This book has been published in Serbian language as “Requiem Revoluciji”, Belgrade: Sluzbeni Glasnik

2016     The Political Mechanics and Art of Statesmanship. This book has been published in Serbian language as “Politička mehanika i veština državništva”, Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences-Arhipelag

  1. Statesmanship of Modern Age. This book has been published in Serbian language as “Državništvo modernog doba”, Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences-Arhipelag
  2. Deadends of history – Elite, (dis)continuity and legitimacy. This book has been published in Serbian language as “Slepe ulice istorije – elita, diskontinuitet i legitimitet”, Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences-Arhipelag

Selected Refereed Journal Articles

2002      Synthesis as Strategy. This article has been published in Serbian language  as “Sinteza kao strategija”, Philosophy and Society (Filozofija i društvo),  XIX-XX, pp. 213-220.

2004      Benefits  and Drawbacks of Conservatism. This article has been published in Serbian language  as  “Vrline i mane konzervativizma”, Sociological Preview (Sociološki pregled), XXXVII, no. 3-4., pp. 285-309.

2005      Schmitt’s Perception of the State, Society and Democracy. This article has been published in Serbian language  as  “Šmitovo shvatanje države, društva i demokratije”, New Serbian Political Thought (Nova srpska politička misao), vol. XII (2005), no. 1-4, pp. 51-84.

2008       Modern Barbarity: Terrorism and Organised Crime as Forms of Politics. This article has been

published in Serbian language  as “Savremeno varvarstvo: terorizam i organizovani kriminal kao oblici politike”, Rewiev of Criminology and Criminal Law (Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo) Vol. 46, No 1, pp. 169-178.

2008       The Left versus the Left, the Right versus the Right. This article has been published in Serbian

language  as “Levica protiv levice, desnica protiv desnice”, Third programme (Treći program), No 137-138, pp. 343-370.

2010      Constitution of Post Ideological Politics – Bismarck, Churchill, de Gaulle. This article has been

published in Serbian language  as “Konstituisanje savremene postideološke politike – Bizmark, Čerčil, De Gol”, ” Philosophy and Society (Filozofija i društvo), No 1, pp. 89-110.

2014      Organized crime and terrorism as para-political forms, in Thematic conference proceedings of

international significance Archibald Reiss Days, Volume II

2015      Security position of Serbia in Europe today – concept of security neutrality and options of modeling

Serbian neutrality according to Swiss neutrality model, in Thematic conference proceedings of international significance Archibald Reiss Days, Volume II

2017      Creation of the international order for 21st century as return to early modern Westphalian balance of

power, in Initiatives of the“New Silk Road“; Achievements and Challenges, IMPP, Belgrade

2019       The Importance Of A Strategic Partnership For Bilateral Relations,  Vojno Delo 5/2019., pp. 41-53.

2019        Objective Approach To Police Officers Selection, in Thematic conference proceedings of international

significance Archibald Reiss Days, Volume II, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies

2020       Economic Freedom in the Balkan Transition Countries from a Valuable Human Ends Perspective,

Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 

Selected Book Chapters

2008      “The four faces  of Slobodan Milosevic” in Dejan Jovic (ed.) Slobodan Milosevic: Road to Power – The Eighth Session of the LCS Central Committee, Belgrade and Stirling: Institute of contemporary history – Centre for European Neighbourhood Studies (School of History & Politics at Universisty of Stirling), pp. 196-213.

2011    “The rise of the Chinese dragon and changes in global, European and regional Balkan politics”. This article has been published in Serbian language as “Uspon kineskog zmaja i promene u globalnoj, evropskoj i regionalnoj balkanskoj politici” in Balkan and EU (Balkan i EU), Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, pp. 89-102.

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